

Sofia will take part in the events programme of Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture 2019

Friday, 31 August 2018

Transformation of Zhenski Pazar for Plovdiv 2019

At the invitation of Plovdiv, with the aim of enriching the cultural activities at national level and establishing European and international partnerships the cities-finalists in the contest for European Capital of Culture 2019 – Sofia (with 12 projects), Varna (with 3 projects) and Veliko Tarnovo (with 2 projects) will be part of the programme of the biggest European cultural project for 2019 – Plovdiv 2019. Their proposals will develop goals and ideas of the programs set out in the applications of the cities in the final stage of the competition for the first Bulgarian European Capital of Culture, which was won by Plovdiv.

One of the projects with which Sofia will take part in the programme of Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture 2019 is the transformation of the attractive Zhenski Pazar (Women’s Market) for one week into a digital art gallery through video installations. The project for the transformation of Zhenski Pazar is called Videoforms/Videoplatform and is the largest campaign ever organized in Sofia which aims at displaying innovative and contemporary art on buildings, digital billboards, bus stops and other places. In April 2019 various video productions by Bulgarian and international artists / Trine Lise Nedreaas, Breda Beban, Brian Daily, Martha Trifonova / will be screened. There will also be held special events at the Art Gallery of Zhenski Pazar – a photo exhibition by James Hill.

Up until then Zhenski Pazar will continue to attract the residents and guests of the city with its variety of fresh vegetables and fruit, traditional Bulgarian dairy products – cheese, white brine sirene and butter, traditional Bulgarian costumes and clay items as well as many other amazing products.