

Sofia’s Archaeology Continues to Tell its Story – Take a Walk through the History of this Millennial City

Monday, 03 June 2019

ФA figurine of Eros, discovered near the Northern fortress wall of Serdica (part of this fortification is the Triangular Tower of the Ancient City), and many interesting artifacts can be seen at the 5th annual Archeology of Sofia and Sofia Region Exhibition at Sofia History Museum. The permanent exposition of the museum and the annual exhibition of the archaeological finds of 2018 will be on display till September 1, 2019. Archeological excavations were conducted on a total of 16 sites in 2018. Parts of fortification, foundations of buildings, remains of street pavements, water pipes, as well as necropolises with different types of burial facilities were uncovered. An ax (III millennium BC) and a tray handle with a stamp (III - IV century) were also found. At the archaeological site at St. Nedelya Square various finds are still preserved today – an ink pot (III - IV c.) and a beautiful earring (III c.). A special catalog has been published in honor of the fifth anniversary of the archaeological research. It contains 237 finds and information about the studies in Sofia and the region conducted in the period 2015 – 2019.