


Monday, 03 June 2019

National relics and cultural parallels will draw the attention of residents and guests of the Bulgarian capital

After the visit of Pope Francis in Sofia on May 5 and 6, 2019, and the prayer for peace on Earth, which he made along with other religious communities from the heart of ancient Serdica, present-day Sofia is becoming a cultural ambassador this June. On the occasion of the most Bulgarian holiday - May 24, Day of Slavic Alphabet and Bulgarian Education and Culture, a feast dedicated to the Bulgarian contribution to the culture of Europe, in Sofia were exhibited the sword and ring of the founder of Old Great Bulgaria khan Kubrat (635-650), which are now part of the collection of the Hermitage Museum in Russia. The National Art Gallery (the Ballroom Hall of the Palace - Knyaz Alexander I Square) will welcome those wishing to see these Bulgarian values during the Days of the Hermitage Museum in Sofia till the end of June 2019.

In addition to its permanent exhibition, the National Archaeological Museum will also display the art of the ancient Roman masters and the life of the Roman society at the exhibition Colourful Paintings from Ancient Rome: mosaics of the Capitoline Museums till July 28, 2019 and the poster exhibition A Sense of Splendor featuring mosaics from the same period that were found in Bulgaria.

In addition to its permanent exhibition, History Museum will also present curious finds discovered during the past archaeological season at the fifth annual exhibition Archeology of Sofia and Sofia Region Sofia.

From May 18 to June 28, 2019 you can also visit the 15th edition of Boris Hristov Arts Festival, dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of the great Bulgarian opera artist, pedagogue and donor.

Sofia sends messages through the power of art - messages of peace and cultural development, supporting the talented and worthy authors of the future.