
Tourism in Figures 2020

Sofia Tourism Administration is pleased to present the new edition of the statistical guide Sofia - Tourism in Figures. The publication is intended for all interested in information about the state of the tourism sector in the capital in 2020 - year marked by the Covid 19 pandemic and a global crisis in the tourism industry.

Initially, 2020 seemed to be a continuation of the long-term growth trends regarding the main indicators, as the first months - January and February, marked another increase in the number of visitors and overnight stays. The pandemic interrupted the tourism development of Sofia and in the following months of 2020 the tourism industry faced constant travel restrictions, local and national restrictions in the country and on foreign tourism markets, full or partial lockdowns, a series of bans and restrictions regarding activities in the main sectors - hotels and restaurants, as well as in the transport and additional services sector, and in the work of cultural institutions.

Despite the sometimes impossible conditions, the tourism sector of Sofia survived and the destination continued to invest in job preservation, development of the accommodation facilities and quality services.

New 5-star hotels were opened, the metro network was expanded and the urban environment was improved, new cultural and historical sites as well as cultural events were developed. Hoping for better travel conditions, Sofia welcomed 2021 as a safe European destination, eager to welcome its guests again.

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