

Pilgrimage Route

The Holy Protection of the Mother of God Pilgrimage Rout

A pilgrimage route - from St Petka Church in Kremikovtsi quarter to the Kremikovtsi Monastery of Saint George – October 1

Every year on October 1 The Holy Protection of the Mother of God Pilgrimage takes place from Kremikovtsi quarter to the Kremikovtsi Monastery of Saint George. It is organized by Sofia Tourism Administration - Sofia Municipality in cooperation with the Faculty of Theology at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and with the blessing of the Holy Metropolis of Sofia.

The pilgrimage follows a specific program - it starts with a prayer in St Petka Church in Kremikovtsi quarter and finishes after a Holy Mass and а blessing of water in the Kremikovtsi Monastery of Saint George.