
Let's have a walk in Sofia


Wine map of Sofia

Sofia is not in a wine region and vineyards do not grow here. But it has a central place on the Bulgarian wine map. And if anyone is skeptical - how can a city far from the vineyards "talk" about wine tourism. we will tell you: London (at least in the above criteria resembles Sofia) was chosen as one of the ten best wine destinations in the world for 2017 by Wine Enthusiast (along with the Thracian lowland, by the wav)!

Wine map of Sofia - Shops

Sofia is not in a wine region and vineyards do not grow here. But it has a central place on the Bulgarian wine map. And if anyone is skeptical - how can a city far from the vineyards "talk" about wine tourism. we will tell you: London (at least in the above criteria resembles Sofia) was chosen as one of the ten best wine destinations in the world for 2017 by Wine Enthusiast (along with the Thracian lowland, by the wav)!

Wine map of Sofia - bars and restaurants

Sofia is not in a wine region and vineyards do not grow here. But it has a central place on the Bulgarian wine map. And if anyone is skeptical - how can a city far from the vineyards “talk” about wine tourism, we will tell you: London (at least in the above criteria resembles Sofia) was chosen as one of the ten best wine destinations in the world for 2017 by Wine Enthusiast (along with the Thracian lowland, by the way)!