
Meet the birds of Sofia

Meet the birds of Sofia

Meet the birds of Sofia

Sofia is among the European capitals with the highest diversity of birds - more than 200 species can be seen here. One reason is the varied mosaic of parks that combine different habitats on their territory. Even in the smallest green spots in the city you'll see birds and you'll hear their song. The parks in Sofia offer you an excellent opportunity to get to know our bird neighbours better. Among the easiest to see are the great tits, blackbirds, jays, magpies and chaffinches. With a bit more patience you'll be able to observe species like the green woodpecker, the nuthatch, the long-tailed tit, the wren and the robin. The spots on this map are easily accessible and yet they will surprise you with an exceptional diversity of birds. Go for a slow walk in the park, listen carefully for the songs of its inhabitants and you will be surprised by the winged treasures hidden in its houndarios!

1. Borissova garden

  • Feeding birds and squirrels from hand.
  • Sun garden with a concentration of forest birds.
  • Itinerary length: 3,7 km.
  • Duration: from 1.30 h to 4 h.
Accessibility: Asphalt and forest lanes. The area near Eagle's Bridge is easily accessible for people of every age, with strollers or in wheelchairs. The area near Iztok neighborhood is suitable for people of every age, but not in wheelchairs.

2. South park

  • Statue of the Great tit and the gazebo near it.
  • The lakes with waterfowls.
  • Itinerary length: 2,6 km.
  • Duration: 40 min to 2 h.
Accessibility: Heading south from the statue of the Great tit and to the lakes with waterfowls you will walk on asphalt lanes which are easily accessible. The second part of the itinerary leads through a wilder part of the park as well as stairs and it is not suitable for people in wheelchairs or with strollers.

3. West park

  • A small marsh with dragonflies, bog turtles, crested newt and the birds, living in the forest.
  • The open spot, from which the spring and autumn migration of the birds on Via Aristotelis migration route can be observed.
  • Itinerary length: 3,2 km.
  • Duration: 1 to 3 h.
Accessibility: Easily accessible for people of every age, as well as with strollers or in wheelchairs.