Nativity of Jesus

The Nativity of Jesus is one of the greatest Christian holidays and it is celebrated by Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants ... For the Orthodox Church it is the second most important feast. On this day people celebrate the birth of Jesus and the beginning of people’s salvation. After the appearance of the first evening star in the sky, a Divine Liturgy is held in all churches around the world. It recalls the Old Testament prophecies and events related to the birth of the Savior. Traditionally, it is considered that the feast begins with the custom of Koleduvane (a kind of Christmas caroling ) in the early hours of December 25. Only young men take part in this tradition and they are called koledari. According to the old Bulgarian custom, in Zheleznitsa koledari visit all houses in the village and wish prosperity, health, luck and success throughout the New Year and are given food and ring-shaped bagels.
On this day, the Nativity Fast ends and thus there are all kinds of food and especially pork dishes on the table. Hristo, Bozhin, Mladen, Radomir, Radoslav, Raostin, Christian and others celebrate their name day on this date.
December 26 – the second day of Christmas, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
On December 27 we honor Saint Stephen (Stephan’s day), and the Christmas holidays come to an end.
On this day, the Nativity Fast ends and thus there are all kinds of food and especially pork dishes on the table. Hristo, Bozhin, Mladen, Radomir, Radoslav, Raostin, Christian and others celebrate their name day on this date.
December 26 – the second day of Christmas, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
On December 27 we honor Saint Stephen (Stephan’s day), and the Christmas holidays come to an end.