In December, the Christmas tree is part of the cozy atmosphere of every Christian home. Sofia Municipality once again lets the residents that have decorated their homes with a potted Christmas trees plant them in spaces between the residential buildings so that they remain a part of the green city. Another green initiative of the capital is the provision of free home composters at the beginning of the year. This initiative is part of Sofia Municipality’s Compost at Home Campaign that aims to encourage the residents to reduce the household food and green waste as well as to stimulate the recycling of different types of waste. In accordance with the Waste Management Program of Sofia Municipality 2015 – 2020, around 1000 home composters with a volume of 700 liters are planned to be bought in 2018. If the composters are filled regularly with biodegradable waste from the households and if they are filled with green waste (grass, shrubs, branches, etc.) three times a year, it is expected that the household waste will be reduced by 550 tons per year.